Healdsburg, CA: Ben & Brad’s Road Trip Journal

On our way out of Humboldt County, we meandered down the coast stopping only for fuel and a chance to walk among the Redwoods. As the road wound through the majestic groves, we couldn’t help but pull over to admire the massive trees. Inland from the coast and under the shade of the forest canopy, there’s a climatic change – a coolness that just pervaded everything. We were just compelled to keep looking up, with gratitude for what’s left of these ancient groves and sorrow for what’s already been lost.

We ate at a small Italian restaurant called Scopa where we dined on fresh pasta made with pea shoots and foraged mushrooms and enjoyed some Dry Creek Valley wines. We were elated that the menu repped 22oz bottles of the local favorite Pliny The Elder from Russian River Brewing Company – a treat that northwest beer lovers like us only get to experience in this famous brewing region.
We camped in the van just off the main square in town. When we woke up, we made our way straight to The Shed for breakfast and what turned into a foodie shopping spree. The Shed is an oasis of food and design - a market, café, and community gathering place. We sat outside in the morning sun and ordered olive oil cake with marmalade and sampled all of their fresh pressed juices. Next we powered up with delicate sous vide eggs over wilted greens served with crusty hearth bread. Not a bad start to our morning in Sonoma county.

After breakfast, we walked around the store gathering supplies for a picnic and appreciated all the local products and producers. They also curated a section of all the best items from last year’s Fancy Food Show. It’s the kind of store you’d go to if you wanted to make the world’s best gift basket. We were geared up for some first-rate picnicking – we just needed to find the perfect roadside venue.
- Ben & Brad, cofounders
photos by @ilanafreddye