The City By The Bay: Cofounders Ben & Brad’s Road Trip Journal

The coastal drive down Highway 1 into the city was a dream. We pulled over to appreciate the foggy cliffs next to another Westy… inevitable vanlife conversation about engine rebuilds and maintenance ensues. We left our new friend and ran out to the edge of the cliffs to breathe in the cool ocean air before we reclaimed our urban selves.

Over 1,000 miles later – after winding down the coast, meeting with grass-fed cattle ranchers and produce farmers, and tasting cheese and chocolate – we rattled into San Francisco, still going 55 MPH across the Golden Gate Bridge as rush hour traffic whizzed around us. The connection between slow driving and slow food was not lost on us. Nor was the importance of breathing it all in along the way.

Living the vanlife for even a few days gave us some much needed perspective on life and pace and values. And we pulled up to our storefront on Battery street, under construction, transforming into something completely new, we couldn't help but look back on this road trip as transformative in its own way. We feel more connected to our food, to our farmers and to our mission than ever. Here’s to taking sandwich environmentalism to the Bay!
- Ben & Brad, cofounder
photos by @ilanafreddye